Annual Chamber Awards Banquet

Mark your calendar to come out to Pine Meadows on Saturday February 1st for the Annual Willow Springs Chamber Awards Banquet fundraiser. This event will be catered by Leslie's Catering and will have entertainment, food, raffles and the highlight of the evening, the presentation of our annual awards. Tickets are on sale now by contacting the Willow Springs Chamber of Commerce at 417-469-5519 or willowspringschamber@gmail.com. Tickets may also be purchased online here.
A Chamber membership offers your business many opportunities for marketing that will help build your business in the community through networking and advertising.
Many of these are provided exclusively to Chamber members for free. Becoming a Chamber member isn’t just a great investment in your business, it is also a great investment in your community.
P.O. Box 322
209 E. Main Street
Willow Springs, MO 65793
willowspringschamber@gmail.com Tel: 417-469-5519